Dirk and Yvonne installed roof corbels on their Florida home, and shared the entire installation process with us - with pictures! Check it out...
Dirk and Yvonne live in sunny Florida, and have a beautiful single story home with a great look. Recently, though, they wanted to add some detailing to their home to make it seem even more in keeping with their period neighborhood - and that's when they turned to us.
They decided faux wood corbels would be the most effective option. Corbels are small detailing pieces intended to resemble the end of beams that stick out from walls, or under overhanging roofing. In homes that use authentic timber beams in the construction process, the beams themselves are often longer than whatever they're supporting, and that's why you'll often see these nubs of wood sticking out.
Corbels specifically are then used to support other lengths of wood - like the roofing that Yvonne and Dirk were adding them to, or other beams themselves - as in this recent mantel project.
Yvonne and Dirk weren't just kind enough to send pictures of their finished product - they actually walked us through the installation step-by-step:
1. Corbels primed and painted. Mounting blocks identified.
2. mounting blocks custom-cut from 2x4
3. Measure thickness of each corbel
4. Screw mounting block into wall
5. Dry-fit corbel over mounting block.
6. Gap due to soffit ridge noticed.
7. Gap eliminated by cutting out channel for soffit ridge.
8. Apply sealant.
9. Apply screw through corbel into mounting block. Paint screw.
10. Installation complete. Gap eliminated. Caulked.
11.Close-up Before.
12. Close-up After.
13. Completed installation of 7 corbels.
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