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Wood Rafter Tails

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Frequently Asked Questions

In most cases, Evolve Stone installs using a finish nail gun and stainless-steel finish nails. For more information and to view installation videos please consult the Evolve Stone Installation section of the website.

Stones vary in depth between 3/8" to 1 ¼" thick with a median thickness between 5/8" and ¾". Surface angulation helps maintain natural texture and depth.

No, they do not. For the best results, we ask that you follow the nail pattern requirements in page 5-6 of the Installation Guide

In most cases Evolve Stone uses standard wood working tools to install. Tools listed on page 3 of the Installation Guide

Evolve Stone has minimal waste/breakage, so it is recommended that an extra 3% be ordered just in case.

Below are the square footage amounts per box for each style we offer:

- Georgetown Run: 14.25 sq. ft.
- District View: 14.25 sq. ft.
- National True: 14.25 sq. ft.

30 to 35 lbs.

One box of corners contains 7 linear feet of coverage. For example, one box of corners will cover the ground to 7 feet high on a corner installation.

15 sills come in a box with each sill measuring 20” long. Therefore, one box of sills contains 25 linear feet of coverage.